With the Aim of Promoting Integrity Values and Practices State Audit Institution Implements a Series of Awareness Workshops for School Students in Dhofar Governorate
With the Aim of Promoting Integrity Values and Practices State Audit Institution Implements a Series of Awareness Workshops for School Students in Dhofar Governorate
Date of Publication: Apr 22, 2024, 2:28 PM
To enhance integrity values and practices among school students, State Audit Institution, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, implements a series of awareness workshops in a number of schools in Dhofar Governorate during the period (21-24) April 2024.
The workshops are implemented for secondary school students at Dhofar School for Basic Education, Al Saidia School for Basic Education, Al-Saada School for Basic Education (females) and Khawla School for Basic Education (females). The workshops are delivered by auditors Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Nahdi and Abdullah bin Awadh Ibrahim from the Directorate General for Financial and Administrative Audit in Dhofar Governorate.
The awareness workshops include an overview of State Audit Institution and its national roles, and review of general concepts related to promoting integrity and protecting public fund. Also, students are introduced to the importance of integrity and are involved in practical activities.