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State Audit Institution Delivers Three Lectures for the Employees of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in Various Governorates

State Audit Institution Delivers Three Lectures for the Employees of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in Various Governorates

Date of Publication: May 22, 2024, 7:38 AM

جهاز الرقابة ينفذ ثلاث محاضرات لموظفي وزارة النقل والاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات ووزارة الثقافة والرياضة والشباب في عدد من المحافظات جهاز الرقابة ينفذ ثلاث محاضرات لموظفي وزارة النقل والاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات ووزارة الثقافة والرياضة والشباب في عدد من المحافظات

In continuation of joint cooperation between State Audit Institution and the administrative apparatus units in areas of promoting integrity and protecting public fund, the Institution delivered introductory lectures on the national roles of the Institution and the importance of institutional integration in protecting public fund for the employees of the state administrative apparatus units during May 21-23. The lectures were delivered by specialists from the Institution for the Directorate General of Culture, Sports and Youth in North Al Batinah and Dhofar Governorates, and the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology in Al Buraimi Governorate.


The lectures covered several topics, including the national roles of the Institution and obligations of government officials, in addition to the responsibilities and powers of the Institution and the role assigned to it, as well as its work methodology to carry out the task of financial and administrative audit of fund owned by the State or subject to its management or supervision, and all financial and administrative dispositions.


Furthermore, the lectures addressed the efforts exerted by the Institution in combating corruption and following up and implementing the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The lectures also shed light on awareness-raising activities for all segments of society to instill the values of integrity through various print, visual, and audio media, and the social media.


     At the end of the lectures, participants were informed about how to communicate with the Institution in case of submitting complaints, reports, or inquiries. They were also briefed on all official communication channels that the Institution provides to the public. At last, participants were given the opportunity to raise inquiries and receive answers thereto.

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