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State Audit Institution Participates in the Meetings of the Training and Development Committee for Employees of GCC Financial Audit and Accounting Bureaus

State Audit Institution Participates in the Meetings of the Training and Development Committee for Employees of GCC Financial Audit and Accounting Bureaus

Date of Publication: Jul 17, 2024, 12:49 PM

جهاز الرقابة يشارك في اجتماعات لجنة التدريب والتطوير للعاملين بدواوين الرقابة المالية والمحاسبة بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي جهاز الرقابة يشارك في اجتماعات لجنة التدريب والتطوير للعاملين بدواوين الرقابة المالية والمحاسبة بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

State Audit Institution participates in the second meeting of the Working Group for Monitoring and Evaluating the Strategic Plan for Training, and the 36th meeting of the Training and Development Committee for employees of GCC financial audit and accounting bureaus, which will be hosted in Qatar’s capital, Doha, during the period (16-18) of July, with the participation of member institutions of the Committee.

The meeting includes reviewing and discussing topics on building professional competencies of member institutions, the most prominent of which is the General Secretariat’s report on the training programs implemented during the first half of 2024, in addition to discussing aspects of cooperation with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) in areas of training and development as well as reviewing cooperation mechanisms with King Fahad National Library in aspects of information sources, scientific publishing, and training.

The meeting also addresses proposals submitted by member states, including a proposal on developing the arbitration form for the Gulf Cooperation Council research competition, and a proposal on establishing foundations and controls for preparing papers submitted in training programs.

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